Kev’s Corner Sports Talk

This Weeks Topic

26th April, 2024

Staff Writer: Kev’s Weekly Sports Re-Cap

It’s easy to realize why so many people have become enamored with The NFL Draft when you watch the spectacle it has become on television. It’s become a very big deal. I would have to say that for The NFL it’s the first big event of the season, a kind of teaser to remind you that The NFL is the king of sports in America. The hype is off the charts for the draft. The lead up alone covers the entire week before the event even though for all intents and purposes we know exactly who is going to draft where and when. Sometimes there are surprises yes but for the most part we all know exactly what’s going to happen yet we all stay glued to the stream of the players for hours as they wait to hear their named called. It’s fabricated high drama and yes we all love it, especially me. I was not surprised when USC quarterback and Heisman Trophy candidate Caleb Williams was picked first this year. We all saw it coming. We all knew it was gonna happen for weeks now. The big surprise of the evening was the fact the first 12 or 13 picks in the draft were for players on the offensive side of the ball(lineman included). In an offense crazy league I wasn’t surprised. and hey, what about some running backs!?! We all know that the real stars are the quarterbacks and wide receivers who make the plays and do the dances every week so it goes without saying that everyone else seems secondary at this point. As for me I prefer to sit back and let the chips fall as they may. The last thing I tell myself before I turn in for the night is that they still have to make the team and that Tom Brady was picked in the 4th or 5th round and San Francisco Wonder Boy Brock Purdy was picked last. Go figure!In spite of the fact that The NFL has tried to take over the airwaves for a week with the draft night drama fest there are still events in other sports that carry quite a bit of weight. Both the NBA and The NHL are locked into a heated playoff season with the final outcome in both leagues still in doubt.           is that LeBrone James will have a lot to say about nothing as is usual. There have been some spectacular games this year that have come right down to the wire and as usual there is huge controversy with the officiating(when is there not?) so this year is nothing new. In a way I can sympathize with some of the call the refs are making however officiating controversy has been a part of the same since it inception. For us it ads to the drama right? The post game anticipation on what the coaches and players will say keeps us glued to the TV right? Like I’ve mentioned before, more viewership equals more money and right now the money is rolling. Do the math! It’s never a good idea to make predictions but I feel pretty strongly that Denver is the team to beat this year, again. Their dominating performances against The Lakers have them up 3 games to zero going into the weekend. I don’t see LA making a comeback. Realizing of course that there are other teams out west the Nuggets have to go thru to get to the final I just don’t see any team being able to contain them. They are strong, healthy and firing on all cylinders. The eastern conference of The NBA is of course a different story. Where the west seems a well oiled machine with Denver making mincemeat of The Lakers, The Boston Celtics remind me of a model T Ford sputtering and doing its best to make it up the hill. The Celtics are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get. It makes wagering a nightmare because they are so unpredictable. Sure, I’m watching the Knicks and The Sixers and Milwaukee but let’s face it, it’s all about Boston this year (or is it?). Once thing is certain. If Boston doesn’t win the Championship this year heads are gonna roll in Bean Town. After spending about a billion dollars on Jason Tatum and free agents they clearly have the most pressure to win. It’s still early for The Celtics but they need to get cracking!!!Every year about this time I start to get requests for who my Kentucky Derby pick is. It’s a week away and frankly I have no idea. There’s only been one or two or maybe three times in the last 40 years that I’ve picked a Derby winner. I’ve never hit a long shot and to be honest I’ve picked some horses that finished dead last. For now I’m not going to make a pick till next week but I will be in for the drama and the spectacle. I like to see which horse gets which post position(yes it’s a very big deal) Like The NFL draft or The NBA playoffs or the hoisting of Lord Stanley’s Cup it’s always been about the show. I say let the show go on!!! Play on I say!!KevKev's Corner Our Staffs Weekly Sports perspective(click here for more of Kev’s past articles)


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