January 04, 2024 - BY Admin

When I Eat Too Much Food, I look for a change and break out a Bowl for Salad

It’s the first week of January 2024 and it’s been a long 2023 in my opinion. I’m glad 2023 is over. I always look forward to a new year and a new beginning, maybe a few resolutions that I never keep after a month or two. I always ask myself “why change”? At this point I’m pretty much set in my ways but I suppose there’s always room for improvement right? Go figure!

While we’re speaking of improvement and resolutions let’s discuss the current situation in college football because no organization on the face of Planet Earth needs more improvement then the NCAA. Resolutions are most definitely in order here. 

I’ve always approved of The NCAA stance on NIL which basically pays athletes for using their name, image and likeness. I’ve always said the players should get a share of the huge amounts of money that generated by college sports. The current state of the NIL situation however is a complete mess, a sucking chest wound on the body of college athetics. NIL, coupled with the “transfer portal” which allows players to enter a free agent like market and transfer between schools has created a nightmare scenario that has demeaned the college sports scene to it lowest level in years. In short, college football is in my opinion on a collision course with disaster and no where was this path of destruction more evident then in this years college football bowl season.      

I remember a time when there were less then a dozen bowl games every year. Most of them where played on New Years Day. Now there are over 40 spread out from the middle of December till the second week of January.  It used to be a very, very big deal to make it into a bowl game. It was a mark of excellence for a football program, a crowning jewel to a successful year where a school might have 10 or 11 wins. Nowadays schools have become “bowl eligible” with 6 wins, a ridiculous rule that in my opinion has demeaned the bowl season. Sure, schools get paid to play in bowl games, players get a free trip and a week in a hotel in places like Nashville and Boca Raton but unless you’re in a bowl game that’s part of the College Football Playoffs bowl games mean zilch now. It’s all a money grab for advertising. What’s more, because skilled players are walking around with six and seven figure NIL cash bags and transfer portal commitments many are “opting out” of playing in bowl games in fear of career ending injuries. Why play in a meaningless bowl game and risk it they ask.? The result is of course poor and lackluster play, sometimes an embarrassing loss, on the field where 3rd stringers and walk ons are now the starters and the stars are walking the side lines in street clothes taking selfies. Not a very good look at all. It’s obvious that the money has corrupted the system and is ruining college football. 

This all being said I’m hoping that The NCAA can get ahold of this mess. I’m hoping that the playoff expansion to twelve games next year (which I’m assuming will also be called bowl games) will fix part of the problem. Additionally, regulations need to be instituted so that players who receive NIL money play in ALL games to include bowl games. If injuries are a concern then an insurance program can be underwritten, but if players are gonna take money to play then need need to PLAY. Lastly, the transfer portal should not open until after the entire season is over. Loosing a player to a school transfer is a waste of everyone’s time and energy when you still have a game, even just minor bowl game, to play. In the end, regulation of NIL and the transfer portal needs to be expanded and improved. Hopefully they can save college football while there’s time left! 

All of my venting aside, we witnessed an excellent and exciting playoff series that set the stage for The College Football Championship next week. Both games between Alabama and Michigan as well as Washington and Texas went right down to the wire with Michigan holding on in overtime and Washington defending right down to the last play of the game. The final between the Washington Huskies and The Michigan Wolverines should prove be highly entertaining as long as players don’t “opt out” en mass. For me it might just work out quite well as I selected Washington when they were big underdogs. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!! We’ll see how it goes this coming Monday night. 

Although the current state of the NFL could also use some New Year’s resolutions it doesn’t look like anything is going to change anytime soon. Again, it’s important to remember that it’s all about the money. Questionable outcomes in hard fought, closely contested games (most notably The Lions-Cowboys game last week) where referees are making game altering decisions have many fans screaming foul. Millions of fans are reacting to poorly called games with many even accusing the NFL of “fixing” games to insure a popular outcome for a favored narrative. Personally I’ve never been a big believer in conspiracy theories based solely on the fact that it’s impossible for more then one person to keep a secret and their mouth shut! I will admit however that some of the more important referee calls have left me scratching my head. Either way I’m hoping that by next year the officiating quality can be rectified. I’ll take a wait and see attitude on this one. 

All in all we’re set for a big weekend this week in The NFL. As we close out the regular season there are many teams that have secured a spot in post season play. Several teams however have only their draft picks to decide on next year, so for them their viewership will be from a secluded Caribbean island instead of the sidelines. I’ll let all of you decide which has the better view! Till next week, remember to Play On!!


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