June 12, 2024 - BY Admin

What Sporting Event Will I Watch Today

          It’s hard these days for any of us to focus on just one sport, just one specific spectacle to give our attention to. There’s so much to choose from it can be a bit overwhelming at times. Men’s basketball or women’s basketball? Soccer or baseball? Should I waste an entire weekend watching golf or tennis? (Yes, it’s happened) Of course in a few short weeks we’ll have The Olympics from Paris so we’ll have to throw that into this mix as well and yes football is on the horizon so don’t be too comfortable everyone, it’s gonna get crazy soon and its only June!!

         Speaking of crazy, nothing has been crazier then the beginning this season in the WNBA. I have to admit that a few short weeks ago I was excited about watching woman’s basketball. I was and still am excited about watching Caitlin Clarke, however the drama that has erupted around the league concerning the treatment of number 22 leaves me baffled. I’m not going to make any judgment as to why or how this type of treatment goes on in professional sports (and we all know what kind of treatment I’m talking about) To me it’s seems so petty, so immature to watch professional athletes act like they (the players) have been acting, I think fans should threaten to just swear off the WNBA until it’s players can act like adults, not like middle school playground bullies. That might get them to rethink their attitudes. Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot! I say do better or think about going back to having to be flying commercial again by next year. 

          Thankfully, the men’s NBA finals has been without any crazy controversy aside from the fact that Kyrie Irving has apparently forgotten how to play basketball. Two weeks ago the pairing of Kyrie and Luka Doncic was the most perfect combination since peanut butter and jelly. Now, with the Dallas Mavericks being down 0-2 to a dominating Boston Celtics team, that pairing looks as good as cottage cheese and ketchup. It’s not working and it looks horrible. Boston at this point looks unbelievable both on defense and offense. Apart from one or two players they are healthy, fresh and fluid. Dallas on the other hand looks tired and worn out and I’m beginning to wonder if Luca can last. Even though I had Dallas wining it all a week ago I’m thinking this could easily turn into a sweep for The Celtics. Let’s hope the competition stays high and no one goes down with an injury especially as most Boston fans are still in therapy after watching The Bruins get smoked like a cheap, 3 dollar cigar by The Florida Panthers. 

           I’m not going to go crazy about the Panthers being up two games on The Oilers. Last year I got all mouthy about it and then they lost in the finals to Las Vegas. I understand that having never raised The Stanley Cup, there’s a lot of pressure on Florida. I will however say that the team with the hottest goalie usually wins and The Panthers goalie, Sergei Bovrovsky, is about as hot as they come. Huge saves seem to be nothing to this guy. It’s an amazing spectacle to watch and I would encourage everyone to catch a game. As for our Canadian neighbors that are constantly claiming hockey for themselves let me remind them that a team from Florida has now been in The Stanley Cup Finals 5 straight years. Eat your heart out!!

          This weekend another significant golf event, The U.S. Open, takes place in Pinehurst North Carolina. Of course, Scotti Scheffler is favored to win and considering he’s won 5 of his last 6 or 7 starts, I’d have to say that he’s easy money. I’m impressed with the way he handled the entire arrest incident in Louisville. It could have effected his career and his mentality going into this weekend but a victory at The Memorial last weekend showed us that Mr. Cool, Calm and Collective is still going strong. As for me, I’m still waiting for Tiger to make that magical comeback run one more time! Come On Tiger!

          I’m sure by now most of the sports world and the horse racing community in particular has learned about my terrible picks for The Belmont. I didn’t win. As a matter of fact I didn’t cash a ticket all day. It was crushing. I was on a semi huge hot streak after The Derby and The Preakness but The Belmont brought me crashing back down to earth. As a whole the sports book stuff team did well, as the staff picked and posted up on the site the Friday before the race, hey had 2 out of 3 horses to finish in the money. I think next year I’m gonna try some new tactics, I’m going to listen more to the handicappers that I work with and remember more that there’s a reason why horse tracks make money and unfortunately, I’m one of them!!

          In just a few short weeks we’ll be discussing pro and college football till our ears bleed. I’m not a huge off-the-field story line guy. I like the games themselves to tell me everything I need to know about the players. I really don’t care who dating who, who’s crying about not getting paid enough or who’s ego is being tested by a hot new rookie. Football is football. The game takes place on the field not on streaming social and sports media platforms. With this in mind I’m gonna focus on the game, not the side story. I’m looking forward to writing this article on Tuesdays again just to get back in the rythem of football season. These 2 a.m. weeknights are killing me! Play on I say!!

Good Luck, to all.


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