April 11, 2024 - BY Admin


Another year of March Madness has now come and gone. The yearly event which seems to occupy our collective sporting interests, regardless of who we are, was no different this year then in all the others. There were unpredictable upsets in both the men’s and woman’s divisions, some of them life changing for players and coaches alike. It seems that regardless of your regular season record an early exit from The NCAA Tournament spells the beginning of the end for many careers. I wasn’t too surprised to see both the men’s and the woman’s final championship game being played between teams that were seeded number one, Purdue and Connecticut for the men and South Carolina and Iowa for the woman. It was no shocking outcome to see UConn and South Carolina  win it all as they were projected to win it all along but the path to the Final Four was fun to watch none the less. Until next year then and a rousing applause for The Gamecocks and The Huskies! 

I always find myself somehow deflated  after a championship spring weekend. Its almost like you have to reprogram yourself from one sport and then focus on another. One has to build back the momentum, to get excited all over again for another competition. With football some months away it’s that time of year where we fill our sporting entertainment needs any way we can. We’ve got golf, the NFL draft, The NBA playoffs and finals and The Kentucky Derby all stairing straight at us so take heart, life will go on!

The Masters Golf Tournament is of course a major event for many of us. With Tiger Woods announcing this year that he will play the interest will be high as well as the TV ratings. I’ve always been a big Tiger Woods fan. If he can stay healthy I think he’s always a threat however there are so many young players coming up in the ranks that are playing well it’s hard to ignore them. Win or loose Tiger is a huge draw for not only The Masters but for any tournament he plays in. Let’s hope that this year he’ll be able to stay healthy and make it work. I know that on this Sunday I’ll be watching!

The NBA is gearing up for what should be an exciting end of year playoffs and finals. As with every year there are many teams making a push to position themselves for a playoff run, hoping of course to be there at the end. The Eastern Conference is of course still dominated by Boston and Milwaukee but New York, Cleveland and Indiana all are within a game or two of first and third place. With The Celtics sitting at the top of the conference you have to hope that once again they can make a deep run in the playoffs, maybe. We here in Miami all remember the great Boston melt down of last year care of The Miami Heat. Were that to happen again this year I think heads would roll.

The Western Conference of The NBA always seems to be an enigma. The season started out with both The Lakers and The Warriors both on the brink of a team wide mutiny. Many players we’re considering the season lost just a few weeks ago however the typical late season surge that is often sparked by super stars Steph Curry and LeBrone James has the squarely in the hunt for a playoff spot. Denver of course looks as strong as ever out west but you can never count out The Lakers and Warriors. 

I think that now that the NCAA tournament is over it’s important to recognize the impact that woman’s sports is having not only in the basketball world but across the sports spectrum. It’s hard to ignore the coverage that the ladies are getting these days and as I’ve mentioned before increased coverage and viewership equals increased revenue. With a record 12.5 million watching the Iowa vs. South Carolina Woman’s NCAA Final you can bet that the advertising money is getting huge. Couple that with increased investment in woman’s sports at the collegiate and professional level I’m pretty sure that we’ll see the girl’s game continue to grow and I couldn’t be happier!!

With all of this and The Summer Olympics on the near horizon it’s easy to realize that it will be another fun filled summer! I keep saying, just make it thru August and it’s back to football! It’s gonna be a great year!! Play on I say!!


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