March 06, 2024 - BY Admin

March Madness Lets the Speculation Begin

In just about two weeks everyone that cares anything about college sports will be knee deep in their NCAA tournament bracket picks. Already the many media sports outlets that we all watch day in and day out have their top four teams picked on a daily basis, only to have those same top four teams loose in an upset on the very same day. Go figure. If it was me playing or coaching I’d ask them not to even mention my team for fear of The Jinx. As for now I’m keeping my top teams close to me like a poker hand as to not let the cat(or Cats) out of the bag but we all know that the one certain thing about the tournament every year is there will be upsets. It’s like death and taxes, it’s a sure thing. 

Before we get to my version of a grass roots bracketology lesson however we need to lay out some credits to some recent sporting events that deserve a mention and a literary high five. I’ll start with the ladies.

Caitlin Clarke, the senior woman’s basketball player from The University of Iowa, this past week broke the NCAA scoring record held for many decades by Pistol Pete Maravich who played at LSU. This is no small feat. Even though many would mention that years ago there was no three point line (enabling Clarke to get to the point total quicker) the fact that a woman broke a record held by a men’s basketball player that male players could hardly come close to pretty much solidifies my past statements that the woman’s game has arrived in sports. Frankly, I think that you and I will start seeing more and more records like this fall to the girls as time goes on. The woman are catching up to the men no doubt and doing it quickly. Additionally, if you haven’t  seen Caitlin Clarke play basketball you are missing out on one of the great joys in sports viewership. This girl has a shooting range that is just unbelievable. She hits threes from mid court and has a release on her shot that is impossible to defend. Every ball that leaves her hand is money. What’s more, she can dish it as well and is in the top three nation wide for assists. She’s driven, athletic and humble. A true team player in every sense of the word. Projected to be the number 1 pick in the next WNBA draft by Indiana I can guarantee that she will be a transformative player in the pro’s. Additionally, I’m really looking forward to watching her play in this years Woman’s NCAA tournament. I’ve already got money on Iowa! 

Don’t worry folks I haven’t forgotten about Labrone James’s record so just relax. His Highness himself recently passed the 40,000 points mark while playing for The Lakers in his close-to final season. As a die hard Miami Heat fan I remember him passing the 30,000 point mark some years ago while playing with Chris Bosch and my man Dwayne Wade so I was slightly more impressed by him hitting the forty grande mark on a Lakers team that seems to forget that passing is part of basketball but I’ll just let this one go with a mention but I’ll give him credit. Unlike Ms. Clarke who praised her teammates in helping her gain a landmark record King James had praise and heaped accolades on, you guessed it, himself. He should watch the girls more often, he could learn something. 

All of this aside, it’s time to get serious about college basketball both for the guys and the girls. This year I’m gonna do a bracket for both because I have no doubt that everyone will be highly interested regardless of the gender. 

Right I’m looking at 6 teams I think will make in into the final eight barring upsets(which we know will happen) and will be there at the end but don’t hold me to it like it’s written in stone. My decisions are always fluid. 

I like UConn, Kansas and Houston but I don’t think all three can get into the Final Four. I also like Purdue but they live and die by the big man they have and if he does play well they loose. With The SEC projected to get nine teams into the tournament this year I’m almost certain you’re going to see a team from The Old South sneak into The Final Four. I like Tennessee, or maybe Auburn, or maybe I don’t know but The SEC will represent for sure. Be sure to catch more on this in my podcast this weekend.

The woman’s side of the tournament has a bit less parity then the men as there are 4 or 5 teams that literally dominate everyone they play and don’t get upset especially at home. South Carolina, LSU, UConn, Iowa and Louisville are all loaded with WNBA star talent and has tournament experience. USC, Stanford and UCLA also have some amazing players that could make a difference as well so the early rounds will see some upsets but I think it will be tough to beat South Carolina in the end, oh, except of course if Caitlin Clarke goes ballistic from the three point line again!!   

In the end, no one can really make predictions on the eventual winners. It’s a win or go home game every game they play. Every game will be must see television. Hearts will be broken and dreams will come true. I just hope my picks end up on the more dream filled side of the bracket! Play On I Say!!


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