May 20, 2024 - BY Admin

Kev’s Weekly Sports Re-Cap

Someone famous once said that life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Never has that statement been more true then when applying that to The NBA Playoffs this year which seem to be at a point where down is up and up is down. The playoffs have been crazy. Teams that were literally written off a few days ago are now favored to win the conference and the title. Players that were limping around a couple of days ago make a miracle recovery seemingly on a daily basis and go on to lead their team to victory. Considering that some of the Western Conference games don’t start until 10:30 in the evening I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep but sacrifices must be made. If anything, the games have been excellent with the competition fierce. It has however been a most bezaar playoff series. Denver loosing by 45 really has me wondering what the heck is going on with the Nuggets and more importantly the entire league itself. I’m still waiting for LeBrone James to issue a statement to put everything in perspective. By the way, I have Denver winning it all in a three pick parley so it’s very much an off day for me. With both the East and the West wrapping it up this weekend I’m planning on some earlier nights as the weekend games are early, thank God.

Every year the hoopla and fanfare around the release of the NFL season schedules gets bigger and bigger. At first I thought it was a little overplayed by the league but I have to admit that this years schedule has me salivating and it’s only May. We still have several months to go! Most interesting and exciting of course is the first Monday night game where Arron Rogers and The Jets will play San Francisco in the Bay Area. Wow! What a game that could be! I’m really hoping that Rogers can last a bit longer then four plays into the season and I have faith he will. The Jets are pretty much starting at ground zero this year. Surprisingly, the defensive player (I can’t or the life of me remember his name) that chased Roger’s down last year when injuring himself is now playing for the 49ers!! Should be an interesting match up. Of course there are most likely millions, maybe tens of millions of adoring Brock Purdy fans who are most like ironing their game jerseys and setting their man caves as a shine to The Wonder Boy in the hopes of cheering him on to a Super Bowl victory which we all know he couldn’t produce last year. Best of luck but I’m running with a different team this year. I’m tired of disappointments. 

Speaking of Busts, Caitlin Clark is rumored to be officially on bust watch in the WNBA. Her first two games were anything but spectacular. I suppose it’s good to realize that her mere presence and in the arenas she has played in drew record, sell out crowds however it’s easy to see the the learning curve is steep in the professional game. She’s not going up against players who were in high school 4 months prior. I will say however, and I think a lot of people will agree, that she’s a huge part of the growth of not only the WNBA but also wonanscsports in general. Additionally, she has my vote for staying calm and level headed in a situation that must be tremendously stressful. Something tells me that there is a great player there and a fantastic brand ambassador for the league. I just hope they keep supporting her thru both the good and the bad. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 

This weekend we’ll get treated to watching the second race of horse racing’s triple crown, The Preakness. Once again, I’ll have to handicap for hours on some horses that I know very little about and have even less faith than winning (kidding). As stated on my pod cast this week I like the the 1, the 6 and the 9 horses. With only 9 horses running I figure my chances are much better then with 21 horses in the field but with my horse wagering prowess at an all time low and my pockets feeling the pinch I’m going go easy on myself. Let’s hope I don’t ever have to leave my day job because I’d be broke all the time!! I will say this however, my theory of Jockey-Trainer-History is proving itself to be somewhat successful, there’s always just that one horse that screws up my trifecta. That said I will throw the 5 (the Favorite in a few exotics but not betting on him to repeat the Derby performance)

So, with that I good luck and play it on! May the best team/man/horse take home the victory. Hopefully it will be mine!!


Kev's Corner Our Staffs Weekly Sports perspective

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