August 29, 2024 - BY Admin

Kev’s Weekly Sports Re--Cap

Remember Sports wagering Is for Entertainment purposes remind me that from Time to Time

Sports can be frustrating sometimes, especially if you’re trying to hit on some hot picks and cash in at the end of the day. A shoe-in pick can always end up a no-show. Yes, I think we’ve all been there. I’ve bet on horses that ran dead last in The Kentucky Derby. I’ve made preseason Super Bowl predictions for teams that didn’t even make the playoffs, not even as a wild card and don’t even ask me about college football because I’ve lost way more than I’ve won. Every year it’s the same story. A new methodology, an improved system to make picks that you are salivating over. Sometimes you spend the money even before the game starts or the race goes off. It’s like a dream world of chance where your fortunes hang on a muddy track, or a slippery football, or a slight gust of breeze, then reality sets in. You come back down to earth and grieve over your losses, your” sure things”. Yes, we’ve all been there and of course this year will be much of the same, or will it? In the end I’m not gonna get rich picking winners but I’m gonna have a great time doing it!! Play on!!

If this past week is any indication, I believe there will be both happy winners and distraught losers in the world of college football this year and I’m not sure which side of that story I will end up on. If last week’s game between Florida State and Georgia Tech is any indication, I might actually make a few dollars but will probably lose a few million brain cells. Going into the game FSU was a ten point favorite. They had quite a bit going for them. However considering the game was being played in Dublin, Ireland I just had a funny feeling about it and when it started raining, literally pouring, my fears were confirmed. FSU never really got going with a strong momentum after their first drive. Georgia Tech played hard on both sides of the ball and when Tech’s place kicker(who I’m told is actually from Dublin) kicked one thru the uprights on literally the last play of the game to win it I knew this season was going to be crazy. By the way, hats off to the traveling fans both here and abroad who attended the game. That stadium was filled!!

If they call last week “week zero” in college football then I suppose we’re staring at week numero one this week. It used to be that the college football week began on a Saturday but now it’s all about the Thursday night games as well. What started out as a one or two game teaser mid-week to get the football blood pumping has turned into an extravaganza starting early and lasting well into the late hours on both the east and west coasts. A full slate of about a dozen schools play on Thursday this week and yes there will be some great story lines and interesting picks if you’re looking to make an early cash out. As for me I try to stay away from picking the Thursday night games and instead just watch it to enjoy the competition and use it as a litmus test as to what the approaching weekend will bring. I’m superstitious like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t think the Thursday night games are a big deal but if I’m gonna put my reputation for picking football games on the line I’d rather it be between Texas and Michigan then a game featuring South Dakota and Prairie view! Either way, it can be entertaining and who can resist seeing Colorado put their collective feet in their mouths after Head Coach Dione Sander’s statements this week (don’t get me started). 

Circling back around to the weekend I think that it’s important to remember that there are some very important debuts that we need to pay attention to. All of the heavy weights are playing. Georgia vs Clemson, Alabama vs Western Kentucky, USC vs LSU are among a great line up. However, the big game of the day(at least for me) will be Notre Dame at Texas A&M. This one should be an absolute barn burner. Notre Dame always plays hard and are sitting at a preseason for number 7(a little over rated in my opinion). A&M is sitting at number 20 yet are the odds on favorite to win at (-2.5). As I stated in my podcast I’m all over this game. I could be wrong but I think The Irish are in for a very big surprise. There’s absolutely nothing like the atmosphere in college station on game day and this one is gonna be huge, absolutely massive. A win for either team will be a statement win to start the season and will most likely set the tone for any future discussions on the college football landscape. A sell out crowd, ridiculously hot weather and great expectations will play a big part in how this games ends up but I’m confident Notre Dame will fold. That why I took A&M giving up points. It could turn into a blow out!! Or maybe not……..go figure. Play on I Say!!!


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