January 12, 2024 - BY Admin

It’s Win or Go Home Time

Another college football season has finally come and gone. We’ve crowned another champion after suffering thru what was certainly the final death throes of the 4 team playoff series. It was like watching a condemned man being dragged to the gallows. After all the drama, the law suits, the letters to and fro from embittered politicians, the tears and outrage of fans and sportscasters we can send The University of Michigan home with the championship trophy. May their journey back be a safe one. As for me, I’m glad the pain is over. Michigan was not my pick to win it this year. If you happened to catch my podcast The Washington Huski were my pick to win the Championship Playoffs. I might be a little bit lighter in the wallet but I’m not heartbroken and I’m not gonna dwell on it. I can always get a second job!

I’m usually a little bit down in the dumps the college football season has come to an end but to be honest I’m happy this season has come to a close. College football is definitely moving into a new era. It’s a new world for the NCAA. NIL (Name, Image and Likeness) money now enables player to be paid to play, literally. The Transfer Portal allows players to skip between schools almost at will and add additional years into their college careers. What was once a 3 or 4 year stint in the college ranks can now last as much as 6. It’s crazy. Its nuts and I have no idea how they’ll be able to make sense of it. Hopefully in the end the powers that be can save the sport. I’m thinking that the 12 team playoff series next year will solve alot but it might in fact make things harder and more challenging. We’ll just have to wait and see. For now I’ve got my Saturdays back to go fishing!

With the college football craziness finally over we can all turn our undevided attention to The NFL playoffs which are sure to be more entertaining and less chaotic. Maybe my Saturdays won’t be too freed up after all! 

Generally speaking there were no huge surprises this past weekend in The NFL. The final week of the regular season was important for some and somewhat meaningless for others. The top teams such as San Francisco and Baltimore couldn’t change anything about their playoff positions and so rested many of their starting players. We all know that San Francisco Wonder Boy Brock Purdy needs his beauty sleep and lord knows some of his teammates needed it even more than he. Other teams took advantage of an opportunity to improve their playoff position by eeking out a win over a rival opponent. The Houston Texans and Cleveland Browns, two teams once thought to be completely out of the post season, managed to rise up and pull out a couple of wins and extend their season. Other teams such as The Cowboys, The Packers, The Chiefs, The Rams and The Lions all improved in the win column to keep the momentum going into the postseason. The last game of the season on Sunday night saw The Miami Dolphins drop a heartbreaking loss to the hapless but surging Buffalo bills 21-14 and although both are still moving into the playoffs it certainly changed the home field advantage for both. 

As much as some people are putting certain teams up on a pedestal I’m still in the belief that at least one of the teams in The Superbowl will be a team no one expected. A dark horse. There are several teams that I believe can go the distance and there are several that are on a roll. The Browns and The Rams are both surging and getting better by the week. Everyone knows that The Houston Texans are improving and are a favorite underdog of many, including myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they’re Super Bowl material but I feel they could easily go deep in the playoffs. We’ll have to wait and see what happens when they play The Browns this weekend. 

I’m wondering of course if this will be the year that Dallas makes a run for the Superbowl. Truth be told I think if they get eliminated early Mike Macarthy might be looking for a job as well as Dak Prescott. The Cowboys have high expectations going into every year but this is the year everyone think is it for them. It’s do or die time for Dallas. 

All this discussion of early playoff exit makes me wonder about The Eagles and The Chiefs as well. Will they overcome their recent poor play to be there at the end? Will the Dolphins prevail in cold and snowy Kansas City? Will the love story playing out between Brock Purdy and the 49ers fans see a unfortunate let down like last year? Who knows? In the end that’s why the games are played and why we love them so. Win four straight games and you’re home free! PLAY ON I SAY!!


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